Bottom line—when it comes to healthcare, consumers and companies want to know how to control rising costs. But healthcare is a complex system, and as you unravel one knot, you find three more. End-of-life care. Expensive medicines. Lack of transparency at multiple levels. Personalized treatment. Misaligned incentives.
The second annual Utah Healthcare Solutions Summit will tease apart some of these issues that impact all of us as consumers, business decision makers and healthcare providers.
The Utah Healthcare Solutions Summit will be held on September 13 at The Grand America in downtown Salt Lake City. Breakout sessions will focus on consumerism & transparency, innovation & ethics, specialty pharmaceuticals & personalized medicine, and population health.
The summit will also include the annual Utah Business Healthcare Heroes Award Luncheon, celebrating excellence and innovation within the healthcare system. The honorees include physicians who go the extra mile, administrators who’ve helped transform their organizations, compassionate volunteers and others who have made a meaningful impact on healthcare in Utah.
Utah Healthcare Summit attendees can expect to walk away with valuable insights and practical, usable ideas, as well as new connections that can help the future of their businesses.
Please join us on September 13 for one of the most important healthcare events in the state of Utah.
Utah Healthcare Solutions Summit Breakout Sessions*
Healthcare Data & Analytics Who is collecting data and how can it be used to improve outcomes and decrease costs?
Cost-saving Tools for Consumers A look at some practical tools to help consumers save money and/or make more informed healthcare decisions.
Healthcare Ethics A look at the ethical implications of healthcare decision-making, from end-of-life-care to genetic breakthroughs.
Cyber Security What are the threats and how can healthcare systems protect sensitive data?
Specialty Medications – the Whole Story Pharmaceutical costs are on the rise, due in large part to specialty medications. How are they created? Why do they cost so much?
Personalized Medicine Genetic testing is becoming faster, easier and cheaper. How will that impact the care that you receive?
Population Health—Mental Health This topic will be addressed in a roundtable format, bringing together stakeholders throughout the system: healthcare facilities, physicians, insurers and others.
Bridge to Value-based Care Paying providers for outcomes rather than procedures seems to be a laudable goal. But how can the system make that transition? This topic will be addressed in a roundtable format with stakeholders including administrators, physicians, brokers, insurers, etc.
* Specific sessions are subject to change