In November 2024, the Salt Lake Chamber unveiled details of “Utah Rising: A Free Enterprise Vision for Utah’s Economy, a statewide, business-led plan to create and maintain the top-performing economy in the nation, ensuring a prosperous future for all Utahns.

Shop local: Support the heart of Utah’s economy

Other states have coordinated statewide economic development initiatives before, but “Utah Rising” hones in on focus areas unique to Utah’s challenges and opportunities. This isn’t the first time the Salt Lake Chamber and Utah’s private sector have ushered in lasting change for the state economy — think of the efforts to build the Salt Lake City International Airport in 1962, the 2002 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games or the introduction of professional sports teams like the Utah Jazz. While each of those things strengthened Utah’s economy, “Utah Rising” takes economic development to new heights with insight into six focus areas: workforce, transportation, business environment, housing, livability and natural resources.

Workforce: Utahns are healthy, talented, educated and industrious. This goal is dedicated to having the best-trained workforce in the country in 2034 by focusing on the post-secondary education and mental health of Utahns aged 25-34.

Transportation: Utah is known as the crossroads of the West. Ensuring it becomes the crossroads of the world will require a reliable statewide transportation system which includes double tracking and extending the FrontRunner along the Wasatch Front.

Business environment: Utah has a diverse private sector, one that comprises nearly nine of every ten dollars in Utah’s economy. Utah Rising seeks to elevate Utah’s business environment by advancing the University of Utah’s Responsible AI Initiative and growing the number of middle-market (100-999 employees) companies in Utah.

Housing: Utah must be a place where all who call it home can have a home. This goal plans to address the record housing price appreciation through meaningful regulatory/zoning reforms in the 2025 and 2026 legislative sessions and address homelessness by increasing accessible and affordable permanent housing opportunities.

Livability: Utah provides opportunity for individuals, families and communities to thrive. This goal aims to increase Utah’s livability index (which includes amenities, safety and convenience). The signature project is focused on a capital city renaissance with a sports and cultural district, state-of-the-art hospital, downtown University campus and global faith headquarters.

Natural resources: Utahns are wise stewards of their environment and natural beauty. “Utah Rising” aims to maintain energy affordability and reliability, reduce per capita water consumption and improve air quality through an all-of-the-above energy strategy that includes utility-scale solar, advanced modular nuclear and the forming of a critical minerals consortium.

Enriching Utahns’ lives, one company at a time

Accomplishing these goals ahead of the 2034 Olympic & Paralympics Winter Games will lift every aspect of life in Utah and strengthen the economy across each corner of the state. Just like the prosperity we enjoy today, the success of “Utah Rising” relies on the private and public sectors’ shared commitment to investing in and transforming Utah’s economy. With that collaboration, we will lay the groundwork to lead the nation in economic progress and quality of life for Utah families.

To learn more about Utah Rising, visit