Do you know a millennial who is taking the business world by storm? Utah Business magazine is now accepting nominations for our annual Twenty in their 20s recognition program. The chosen honorees will be dynamic, ambitious professionals who have not let their relative youth hold them back.

The top twenty professionals will be featured in the November 2016 issue of Utah Business and honored at an event that month.

Successful nominees will fit one of the following profiles:

  • A young professional who is already several rungs up the corporate ladder
  • An entrepreneur who has gone a long way toward making his or her vision a reality
  • Other up-and-comers who are making waves in business, government and nonprofit realms.

Who do you know that fits these profiles? Nominations can come from a peer, business associate, friend or superior. Submit all nominations online at The candidate must be 29 or younger on November 1, 2016.

Deadline is Friday, August 19, at midnight.