Over 15 years ago, I attempted to end my life. I struggled with severe, suicidal depression and didn’t know how to move forward. My failed suicide attempt was the catalyst that led me to change the trajectory of my entire life. This “failure” became my biggest blessing — I was given another shot at life, and I was going to make the most of it.

From then on, I committed to living a healthy lifestyle, which meant eliminating toxins from my and my family’s diet and daily use. This commitment truly saved my life and transformed my family’s future.

For the next two years, I struggled on antidepressants. While the medication kept me from the worst of my depression, it also kept me from truly feeling like myself. I wanted to heal. I wanted my life back. I went from doctor to doctor on a mission to find someone who could help me do that, and no doctor could. Instead, I just kept hearing that the best thing for me was to be on an antidepressant. While I have nothing against taking medication, antidepressants made me feel like a watered-down version of myself — like I was watching life from behind a glass window instead of experiencing it. That wasn’t how I wanted to live the one life I’ve been blessed with.

After two years of searching, I was finally able to find a doctor who told me, “Yes, you can heal from depression — by cleaning up your gut, reducing inflammation and balancing your hormones. But it will take work. Are you ready to work?”

After 18 months of cleaning up what I ate, choosing nontoxic beauty products, reducing the other toxins in my life and healing my gut, I was off antidepressants and feeling better than ever.

Turning my biggest challenge into an opportunity

For years, I hid my depression. I was ashamed of it. But then I realized that by being brave and sharing my story, I could help others who found themselves in a similar situation.

I created my Instagram account to share the story of how identifying the root cause of my health issues healed my body. I posted about how products and food have changed in recent years. I testified that food is fuel and can be the most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison. I shared how harmful some of the most popular items on the market can be and what to use instead.It resonated. My following continued to grow, and I was able to reach more people. My hope was also to show that making better choices is not only for the rich or elite; it’s for those who are willing to do the work — which includes budgeting some expenses, creating meal plans, buying in bulk, purchasing fewer prepackaged foods and snacks, making more meals at home, and prioritizing health.

And overcame severe depression to create over 200 nontoxic health and wellness products that promote happier and healthier living.

During this time, I struggled to find personal care and health products with ingredients I was willing to use for myself and my children. Growing frustrated with the lack of healthy options and the understanding that healing is available to us through what nature provides, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

The beginning of Just Ingredients

Because many deodorants on the market contain endocrine disruptors — chemicals that interfere with hormone signaling and affect the reproductive and nervous systems — I started there.

In 2019, I decided to create a nontoxic magnesium deodorant that people could feel good about using and didn’t sacrifice effectiveness. Our formula prioritizes nourishing ingredients for healthy skin, odor neutralization and protection. It also doesn’t contain ingredients like baking soda, which can be irritating to some and is commonly found in many other natural deodorants.

That year, we attended our very first trade show, Pinners Conference, and sold the two products I had formulated: deodorant and face serum. It wasn’t until 2020 that the next stages of Just Ingredients were set into motion.

Putting my passion to work

Before I started on my health journey, I assumed I was consuming enough protein by eating our regular meals. Most of my family’s dinners consisted of protein, starch and veggies — wasn’t that checking all the boxes? The more research I did, the more I began to understand I wasn’t getting enough protein by just eating those meals. I started looking at protein powders and supplements to increase my daily consumption, but most of the protein powders on the market left me feeling disappointed.

Either the ingredients were questionable, the texture was funky, I didn’t like the taste, or they didn’t agree with my stomach. So, being someone who’s always up for a challenge and thinking that I couldn’t be the only one facing this struggle, I decided to make my own — one with multiple sources of protein, nothing artificial, and organic ingredients that help nourish the body.

There were so many important factors for me when I was selecting the ingredients, but one non-negotiable that I absolutely would not budge on was that each ingredient needed to be a whole food ingredient. Each ingredient needed to both nourish the body and taste delicious. This made it a challenge to formulate.

After months and months of trial and error, countless taste tests and hearing it couldn’t be done, we finally did it. In June 2021, we launched our now best-selling protein powder.

Since then, Just Ingredients has grown even more to include supplements, nutritional and beauty products, and our dental and men’s lines. Our goal is to inspire the entire family to make better choices in their eating habits and daily product use. We believe that nature provides the necessary ingredients for people to live healthy, happy lives full of energy, and we want to share that with the world.

Stepping out of my comfort zone

Launching Just Ingredients has given me many opportunities to step outside of my comfort zone. I didn’t set out to create a business as a busy mom of six. I sometimes say that I stumbled into this role, and while it has come with so many challenges, there’s been so much growth for both myself and the brand. I’ve also done things I never thought I would do.

In March 2021, I launched the Just Ingredients Podcast. I’d had the feeling I should start one before but kept putting it off, as it wasn’t something I was exactly thrilled about. After more promptings, I stepped outside of my comfort zone. The podcast is a place where we talk about all the best ingredients for life — things that are nourishing to the mind, body and soul. My goal is to inspire others to seek healing through empowerment by bringing on experts in different areas of health.

The best ingredients to life

I’m so lucky to have been surrounded by many wonderful mentors, advisors, and a team that has helped me along the way. They’ve encouraged me to step outside of my comfort zone and supported and contributed to the success of Just Ingredients while striving to keep our 10 values at the forefront of everything we do.

These values have absolutely become the foundation for my wellness ritual and business, and I have taught my kids to live by them as well. I continue to share these habits in hopes that they inspire others to live healthier, happier lives.

  1. Eat fruits and veggies daily.
  2. Filter your water.
  3. Cook with non-inflammatory oils.
  4. If buying processed foods, buy ones that are made from whole food ingredients.
  5. Move your body and prioritize your sleep.
  6. Nourish your physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health.
  7. If you’re battling a health issue, figure out the root cause and address it.
  8. Value your health.
  9. Strengthen and support your immune system.
  10. Love others, love yourself, and spread kindness.

The future of Just Ingredients

When reflecting on the start of this journey, I am filled with so much gratitude for the chance to reclaim my life from the lies depression told me, for the chance to live again and for the chance to heal.

I hired my first full-time employee in May of 2021. Since then, Just Ingredients has grown to over 200 employees. We launched a partnership with the Utah Jazz and were named one of the top 10 fastest-growing companies in Utah. I’m looking forward to even more growth in the years to come. We plan on expanding our reach to engage with broader audiences through sports partnerships, growing our retail presence, and offering an even larger selection of toxin-free products.

I’ll also continue to share my story in hopes of helping those who have also felt as isolated and lost as I did. While depression seems hopeless, there is hope and healing available. Like I remind my kids, the sun comes out after every storm. It will for you, too — it just might not be tomorrow or next week. But if you’re in the middle of a storm right now, hold onto hope that the sun will come. Here’s to the future; it’s looking brighter than ever.

And overcame severe depression to create over 200 nontoxic health and wellness products that promote happier and healthier living.
Utah Business Editor Mekenna Malan and Just Ingredients founder Karalynne Call at a Founder Friday event in December. | Photo by Tiffanee Gurney