Technical Trainer | Tech-Moms

Congratulations to this year’s Living Color honorees. Who are the Utah Business 2024 Living Color honorees?
Sam Jeet | Photo by MANICPROJECT

Software Engineer | SixFifty


How are you involved in changing the landscape of Utah’s business community in regard to inclusivity?

As a woman of color and software engineer, I’m dedicated to advancing inclusivity in Utah’s tech community as a technical trainer with Tech-Moms, specifically with their Tech-Moms in Color classes. We focus on teaching women basic coding skills and introducing them to various tech roles, empowering them to pursue careers in an industry where they are often underrepresented. By creating a supportive environment, I help demystify the tech field and inspire women to see themselves thriving in these roles.

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve had to overcome to get where you are today?

Self-doubt. Women of color are often taught to be happy with what they are given and that wanting more is selfish. Realizing I can be thankful for what I have and still want more has been a hard journey, but it has led to many amazing opportunities and relationships. To Main Page