Head, Operations & Development | JWH Real Estate

30 Women to Watch 2024
Genneva Blanchard | Photographed by Beka Price Photography | Rebeca Price


Genneva Blanchard moved to Utah in 2010 to attend Weber State University. Her career started when she became an assistant at JWH Real Estate, moving into the role of head of operations and development within two short years. By 2019, the development division Genneva spearheaded was flourishing with projects from Box Elder to Salt Lake County. She has helped develop over 600 residential building lots and numerous retail, commercial and industrial building projects. She was instrumental in bringing some of the first national tenants to Brigham City by developing the Eagle Landing Retail Shopping Center. She is the chairwoman of the Farr West Planning Commission and is passionate about giving back to her community. 

Who are your role models, and how have they influenced you?

My parents are definitely the role models that have impacted and shaped my life the most. Being business owners themselves, they not only modeled hard work, good values and a great work ethic, but also how to do all of that while being very active in the community. There is a quote by Thomas Jefferson that was used almost daily in our household growing up: “The harder you work, the luckier you get.” It still holds a spot on my desktop as a daily reminder of my parents’ examples that have shaped the person I am today. You can be successful, work hard and always give back. 

What advice would you give to young women looking to succeed in your field?

Never let anyone outwork you. Never be afraid to learn. Value education in every form. Sometimes, this means schooling. Sometimes, it means putting on your muck boots and hard hat and getting onsite. Watch everything. Don’t be afraid to ask questions — this is how you learn and grow. Be aware of how you treat people. Always leave a good impression because you never know who is watching. Women can truly succeed and excel in every field as long as they are willing to try. To Main Page