Founder & Director | Mom Pod Co.

30 Women to Watch 2024
Anna Robbins-Ek | Photographed by Beka Price Photography

Owner | Book a Pro 


Anna Robbins-Ek has made an outstanding impact on Utah’s child care community and is an unwavering advocate for working mothers and affordable, quality child care. As the owner and director of a child care center, Anna creates a nurturing environment where children thrive, enabling parents to pursue their professional ambitions with peace of mind. She is a vocal advocate for recognizing and valuing the hard work of child care providers. She actively engages in initiatives to elevate the status of child care providers in the community, frequently organizes workshops, advocates for fair wages and tirelessly promotes the importance of early childhood education.

What is your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of the job is the opportunity to help others solve a problem! I created Mom Pod Co. and all of my child care resources and services with a focus on improving systems and helping ease the burden of child care stress. Affordable and accessible quality care should not be an issue. Child care is essential. I started Book a Pro as a single mom busy with graduate school and the police academy. I wanted help and couldn’t afford it, so I came up with my own business. I realize that when I’m facing a challenge, other people are probably facing something similar; I hope to come up with ways to solve my problems while helping others. 

What community projects or charity work are you involved in, and why are they important to you?

I try to get involved in my community as often as possible. That’s where you find your people, especially in the service industry. I coach track and field for Hunter High High and am on the board of directors for a nonprofit based out of Zambia, Africa. I am a working group leader for A Bolder Way Forward in the child care spoke. I believe in the power of community! To Main Page