As a leading voice of Utah’s business community, the Salt Lake Chamber stands as a steadfast advocate for the economic prosperity of our state. We are committed to working collaboratively with our legislators, businesses, community leaders and members to advocate for policies that support Utah’s long-term growth.

Before the 2024 legislative session began, we released the chamber’s 2024 Public Policy Guide to demonstrate our resolve to shape policies that benefit all Utahns. The guide outlines our commitment to policies that stimulate economic growth and prioritize workforce development, environmental stewardship, quality of life and economic inclusivity. Our dedication to these principles reflects our vision of a thriving and prosperous Utah, where every citizen has the opportunity to participate in and benefit from our state’s economic success.

As Utah’s legislative session continues, the chamber has designated several policy priorities: housing, transportation and water.

Developing a greater housing supply

We underscore the critical importance of boosting the housing supply in Utah. There is an urgent need to address this issue as a collective responsibility, with each community being accountable for ensuring an ample housing supply to benefit their citizens and the overall welfare of the state. This year, we are urging our legislators to make housing supply their foremost priority.

The approach to this issue includes developing the necessary infrastructure for diverse housing options; determining growth patterns and capacity in Utah; and allocating ongoing funding for attainable housing grants, housing preservation, homeless resources and public safety enforcement.

Collaborating on a transportation vision

As Utah continues to experience rapid growth and transformation, it is essential to align our policies and priorities with the evolving needs of our state. By fostering collaboration with transportation and planning agencies, including the Wasatch Front Regional Council, Mountainland Association of Governments, Utah Department of Transportation and Utah Transit Authority, the chamber aims to create a vibrant and resilient Utah, where the well-being of its residents is at the forefront of a collective vision.

By investing in multimodal transportation and supporting transportation technologies and funding strategies, we can enhance Utah’s quality of life as we grow.

Ensuring future water security

Utah faces pressing challenges related to water infrastructure and conservation, which are vital for our long-term water security. Aging water infrastructure, particularly in densely populated regions, presents substantial risks. Additionally, our advocacy extends to water management, wetland preservation and scientific research to ensure the long-term vitality of our Great Salt Lake.

Supporting the efforts of local water districts and cities to secure additional funding for essential water infrastructure projects is one way to accomplish this. We also want to support funding to address ongoing dam safety and research initiatives to determine the most effective strategies for conserving agricultural water across the state.

We must focus our legislative efforts on strategic areas that will accommodate Utah’s growth, and ensure sustainable progress for the future. We believe in the power of collaboration, innovation and informed decision-making to drive the Utah economy forward while simultaneously addressing the diverse needs of our residents. You can find the 2024 Public Policy Guide on the Salt Lake Chamber website. Join us as we explore the multifaceted approach to achieving these goals with the businesses and organizations that make Utah such a great place to live and work.